Creative Order Form
Native (Display):
- Sponsored By: Business Name
- Title (25 characters max)
- Body Text (300 character max)
- Call To Action (25 character limit)
- Main Image: 1200×628 pixels (no text or logo)
- PNG, JPG or GIF (1MB Max)
- Logo: 600×600 pixels 1MB max
Native (Video):
- Sponsored By: Business Name
- Title (30 characters max)
- Body Text (200 character max)
- Video: Up to :60 in length (16:9)
- MP4 or MOV (Under 1GB)
- Logo: 600×600 pixels 1MB max
NOTE: The exchanges are PICKY about grammar. Don’t use exclamation points, hashtags, all caps or slang.
Static Image Ad:
- Primary Text (125 characters max)
- Headline (25 characters max)
- Link Description (optional) (30 characters max)
- Image: 1080x1080px, no smaller than 600x600px
- CTA Button*
Carousel Ads:
- Primary Text (125 characters max)
- Headline for each image (40 characters max)
- Description for each image (optional) (20 characters max)
- Images (up to 10): 1080x1080px, no smaller than 600x600px
- If using videos, must be 1:1 ratio
- CTA Button*
*CTA Button Options:
- Learn More, Apply Now, Book Now, Contact Us, Donate Now, Download, Get Quote, Get Showtimes, Listen Now, Request Time, See Menu, Shop Now, Sign Up, Subscribe, Watch More, Call Now, Send Message or Get Directions
Video Ad:
- Primary Text (125 characters max)
- Headline (25 characters max)
- Description (optional) (30 characters max)
- Video
- Minimum Aspect Ratio: 100×400
- Maximum Aspect Ratio: 400×100
- Resolution: at least 720p
- Length: :30 max recommended but can be any length up to 240 minutes
- MP4 or MOV
- File Size: 1MB-26GB
- CTA Button:
- Learn More, Book Now, Download, Get Quote, Get Showtimes, Listen Now, Shop Now, Sign Up, Subscribe, Watch More, or Send Message